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Trump and Gingrich can clean the toilets, Comedian Maysoon Zaid

Unlike peanut butter and chocolate, the merging of Newt Gingrich and Donald Trump is not greater than the sum of its parts. However with Trump’s reality TV experience and Newt’s cherished image of ‘poor’ children as lacking in janitorial skills, the two can combine to create ‘The Apprenti.’ Sadly, this is still the newsy and factual part of this description.

Funny lady, and first Muslim Comedian Maysoon Zayid shares her thoughts with Keith Olbermann on the foibles and possibilities of the combined brainpower, unique hair and hucksterism of Newt ‘child labor’ Gingrich, and Donald ‘we never saw a single hospital record’ Trump. It sure would be fun to watch teh December 27th GOP debate with only The Newt and The Donald on stage.