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Trump Appears to Be Self Destructing, Looney Tunes, Crazy-town Bound! Keith Olbermann

Trump Appears to Be Self Destructing, Looney Tunes, Crazytown Bound! Keith Olbermann

Trump Appears to Be Self Destructing, Looney Tunes, Crazytown Bound! Keith Olbermann

Donald Trump – who was never a picture of mental health, is coming completely unhinged and going quite mad – And, you know what? Better Trump than our country. Keith Olbermann suggests that we should help Trump, because the sooner he goes full tilt bonkers, the less chance he’ll take our freedoms and very lives with him. Tweet away Tower Cuckoo! It will be nigh impossible once you’ve donned the inevitable ‘hug me jacket.’

Trump does so many crazy things that we don’t hear of half of them.Trump recently informed the President of Panama  “The Panama Canal is dong quite well, I think we did a good job of building it.” The Canal was completed in 1914. Stay tuned, eventually he will take credit for his deal-making prowess in the Louisiana Purchase.

Aides in the White House are concerned by Trump’s obsessive and  increasingly angry yelling at televisions in the White House.  Keith recalls that toward the end, Nixon argued with paintings of Kennedy and Nixon. I wonder if the televisions Trump is screaming at, are plugged in?