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Trump Character defined in one Video

Making fun of the disabled is an even better reason to vote for Trump than bragging about grabbing women by the crotch, so say 62 million gawdawful Americans.

The defense of this Donald Trump says he never met the reporter in question.  The defense from comments on this YOUTUBE video is that this is fake and really a video of Trump attacking Ted Cruz.  And the universal defense from Trumpologists is that Trump does these same spastic motions to mock everyone he despises, a lot of people and groups of people.

Serge KovaleskiHere is a picture of Reporter Serge Kovaleski who Donald Trump has known for 14 years and met on 12 occasions. The video is not from a Ted Cruz rant and even if it were true that Trump mocks people he hates by “pretending” their are disabled, what does that say about the man. A very small minded shallow man at that.

Much of the overall defense is that sure, Trump is a mean, nasty, narcissist but he will get THINGS done. What THINGS?  Seems the main thing is just like Rush Limbaugh, making white bigots feel good about themselves.