President Donald Trump has joined the ranks of Stalin, Mao, Hitler, Castro, Nixon, Putin and Un declaring the press the enemy of the people. Really. He has. And now after he gave a teleprompter speech with words at odd with almost every thing he stands for and does, he has won even the media over with his crazyass bullshit. Well for the time being.
In fact both the media and the Democrats drank so much of his kool aid that they gave an historic standing ovation to his grotesque use of a military widow to only deflect his Benghazi moment in Yemen, to use the wife of Ryan Owens to get his revenge on the father of Ryan Owens because he asked for an investigation of the failed military attack in Yemen, refused to shake his hand, and then took personal credit for the number of minutes he for using that poor woman to toot his own horn. LOCK HIM UP.
Then ussing five more women who have had family members killed by illegal Mexicans to re enforce his claim that illegal immigrants are “murderers and rapists,” didn’t even get mentioned by anyone at all. Illegal immigrants along with immigrants are the least likely to commit not only violent crimes but any crime.
Just like he so gleefully spits out the term “Radical Islamic Terrorism” which accomplishes the same fake news, the same lie, and creates the same fear, anger and hate to single out a few as representative of the many. The very definition of bigotry. Again that too joins him at the hip with the likes of Stalin, Mao, Hitler, Castro, Nixon, Putin and Un.