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Trump ‘Lies His Ass Off’ in Carrier Deal – Too, Seth Meyers – Video

Trump 'Lies His Ass Off' in Carrier Deal - Too, Seth Meyers - Video

. Seth Meyers takes ‘a closer look’ at the details of Donald Trump’s celebrated Carrier deal, and finds there’s truly much less than meets the eye. The number of jobs saved (750) is subject to upward mobility by Trump on his odd victory tour. Trump enjoys the rousing approval of the very same Republicans who bitterly denounced President Obama’s auto bailout. Of course, the bailout ‘only’ saved  1.5 million American jobs, and according to Sean Hannity  who clutching his pearls to his throat, and wringing his hankie, claimed Obama was”on a mission to hijack capitalism in favor of collectivism!”  I wonder if a victory tour would have helped Obama’s case?

Incredibly, this golden triumph was nearly missed by Trump, who forgot the half dozen or more times that he promised to save American jobs and named Carrier in particular. Shown the evidence,Trump – who has ‘better and more words than anyone’ said;”But I never meant it, that was a euphemism!” A disgruntled union leader accused Trump of ‘lying his ass off,’ he will now be on Trump’s very long list.

You may be shocked, but Seth found  tape of other times Trump Lied His Ass Off, and if you listen carefully you’ll actually hear his ass hitting the floor with a resounding THUD.

Trump announces on video that Hillary Clinton launched the birther campaign in 2008.

Gullible fans learn that ISIS is “honoring President Obama and Secretary Clinton, the founder and co-founder of ISIS.” (Audible gasp in the room) This, is one of the Alex Jones scoops Trump used as ‘facts’ in his campaign. If the Russians hadn’t intervened, as the CIA now can certify, it’s entirely possible that Trump’s golden ass disseminating pearls of wisdom could have managed to sink the election just as effectively.

And finally:
“I am the least racist person you’ve ever met.”  THUD.