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Trump picks Amway Billionaire and Voucher advocate Betsy DeVos for Education

Trump picks Amway Billionaire and Voucher advocate Betsy DeVos for Education

. “Give me a child until he is 7 and I will show you the man.” First said by Aristotle and then repeated by the Jesuits, Lenin and Hitler.

Betsy DeVos is a multi billionaire and heir to the Amway fortune, you know, the Evangelical Christian pyramid scheme company that has managed to buy it’s way out of all the fraud charges it has accrued over the years. She can best be summed up as the replacement for the recently good and dead Phyllis Schlafly.

Betsy DeVos heads up the DeVos family who are along with their friends the Koch Brothers the biggest supporters of conservative causes in the United States. In fact Betsy brags that her family gives more soft money to the RNC than anyone else and “We expect a return on our investment.”

Betsy DeVos comes to us not through The Donald but via Mike Pence who are great friends inside the world of evangelical fundamentalism, legislating and funding not only all the propositions to defeat gay marriage, but both working for the replacement of public education with school vouchers, or better defined as White Christian indoctrination centers that YOU and I will be paying for.

Governor Pence has managed to make Indiana the top school voucher state in America while DeVos works for the same in neighboring Michigan with her education lobby called the American Federation for Children.

The push of course is under the heading of CHARTER SCHOOLS which are more acceptable than VOUCHER SCHOOLS but are the jumping off point to a voucher system.

Remember, both Charter and Voucher schools do not have to take any student they do not want to take. Including wheelchairs, retarded, autism, black, Muslim, Hispanic, troubled and so on. Who will all be left to what’s left of the public school system which will lose funding with each voucher.

As a side benefit, billionaires like Betsy DeVos and The Donald along along with all wealthy parents will get your tax money as vouchers for the children they already have in private school.

Remember too, that Catholics and Evangelicals are ready for this. It is where almost all voucher children will be going. To schools that deny evolution,  deny climate change, that teach intolerance and bigotry toward gay people, that women who have abortions are murderers and that belief in questionable deities trumps even their own family. You know, like Muslims.

School vouchers are the most dangerous idea to ever get a hold in a democracy as we follow in the footsteps of Iran, Syria, Pakistan, Saudi Arabia et al.