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Trump Tells World Leaders, You’d Better Stop Laughing at America – Is Trolling Okay ?

Trump Tells World Leaders, You'd Better Stop Laughing at America - So, Is Trolling Okay ?

Trump Tells World Leaders, You'd Better Stop Laughing at America - So, Is Trolling Okay ?

‘Precident’ Trump proves the anonymous adage: ‘Being stupid is like being dead – everyone else knows about it, but you.’
In numerous speeches Trump carps endlessly over the fear that the world and world leaders, are laughing at him – er AMERICA. Trump sought to end the laughter at last by – dropping out of the Paris Accord. Trump’s stated reason for dropping out: “We don’t want other countries laughing at us anymore.”  Well done…With ketchup?

Don’t look now Mr. Trump, but your decisive action, showing the climate who’s boss, did nothing to end the laughter. World leaders are having great fun at your expense, and – not a few Americans are giggling with them. And please get this straight, we’re laughing at you, not with you.

Here are a few delightful clips, including the recent spot-on rendition of Trump talk by Australia’s PM Malcolm Turnbull. Another world leader whose encounter with Trump will never be forgotten is Vicente Fox of Mexico, seen here with a ‘schematic from the dark web’ – of a device that will foil Trump’s $25 Billion dollar wall.