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Trump voters, Deplorable OR Stupid?

Ted Nugent Ugly AmericanDISCLAIMER: This article is not about any Trump voter who is in your family, your circle of friends or where you work who you like. [The accompanying graphic is an example of someone who is both deplorable and stupid]


We saw them in the lines at the Trump rallies with their anger and bigotry, we saw them inside the rallies screaming LOCK HER UP and intimidating the reporters in the press box. We saw the violence both inside and outside.

We see how they applaud as The Donald emboldened white nationalism to enter the main stream.

When The Donald called Senator John McCain a loser for being tortured for 5 years as a prisoner of war HIS POLL NUMBERS WENT UP.

When The Donald called Mexicans without papers murderers and rapists HIS POLLS NUMBERS WENT UP.

When the Donald mocked and made fun of a reporter with cerebral palsy HIS POLL NUMBERS WENT UP.

After we saw The Donald say his money, his celebrity and power allowed him to grab women by the wussy HIS POLL NUMBERS WENT UP.  When he said that if he murdered someone on 5th avenue that his poll numbers would go up, HIS POLL NUMBERS WENT UP.

Political Correctness has been at the top of what Trump voters say they love most about him. They say that his political incorrectness is what they themselves say in private and how they think, it is why they see him as role model for themselves and their children. Political incorrectness, all of it, is nothing more than the public expression of bigotry. PERIOD.


The three things we know for sure that President Donald will do are massive tax breaks for the wealthy and corporations, the deregulation of banks and Wall Street, and allow the fossil fuel lobby and the Koch Brothers to overturn all progress we have made with the environment and climate change.

Many traits of The Donald are opinions, but that he is a vindictive narcissistic bigoted elitist is not arguable, and wanting someone like that as leader of the free world is beyond deplorable.

They believe that if The Donald pulls out of NAFTA and refuses TPP that auto plants and steel mills will be popping up behind every Cracker Barrel in the Heartland. Even if heavy industrial plants came back automation has eliminated 80% of the labor once needed.

They are against minimum wages and unions which is the only way they have any chance of their wages going up. In fact the party they vote for is hellbent on eliminating all minimum wages and the elimination of unions.

They believe that reverse racism is the real problem, they are being oppressed by black people.

The majority believe that President Obama is a Muslim born in Kenya.

The majority believe that Global Warming and Evolution are hoaxes.

They are most upset with elitists and there is no bigger elitist that The Donald and his family.

They believe our biggest problem is the trade deficit which is $43 billion a year, half as bad as it was before President Obama. $43 billion is a drop in the bucket. And without NAFTA and TPP it will get much worse.

They believe their jobs were lost to immigrants, offshore labor and trade deals when that is a drop in the bucket compared to job loss from automation and technology.

They believe we can do it alone and withdraw from globalization which is unstoppable, get on the train or be left behind.

They have no interest in education other than being able to dumb it down in their own states and communities. They must keep their children dumb enough to not want desert family and farm to move to the big cities full of elitists, smartypants and negroes.

They believe the more guns that more people have the safer we are when just the opposite is true.


But you say, what about all those college educated white people who voted for The Donald because he is a Republican?

First and foremost Republicans are for massive tax cuts for the wealthy and for corporations.

Secondly they are for the massive deregulation of every factor of the financial industry.

Third they want to eliminate environmental and climate change regulations.

Fourth they want to shove as much religious and racial intolerance upon us that they can get away with.

And they are hellbent on ever reducing the safety net, putting more guns on the streets, taking health away from Negroes, suppressing the votes of minorities and the poor, and gerrymandering districts in their  states to reflect their own reality.

All of which is deplorable.