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Trump’s Amazing Speech Sure Didn’t Age Well – Keith Olbermann

Trump’s Amazing Speech Sure Didn’t Age Well - Keith Olbermann

Trump’s Amazing Speech Sure Didn’t Age Well - Keith Olbermann

Everyone reading this today will remember the historical moment when Donald Trump’s presidency reached its high water mark. Think way back to last Tuesday, when Trump addressed the joint session of Congress in his wowzer of a speech! Keith Olbermann recalls the speech:“The one so measured, so majestic, so devoid of pants-pooping that it prompted one conservative pundit to say: ‘I feel like tonight – he became President of the United States!’ And it prompted a liberal pundit to say; ‘He became the President of the United States in that moment. Period!'” 

In retrospect that speech, did not age well.
Each line of the speech that sent so many into rapturous praise has been demolished by the man who spoke the words, and he did it all within the space of a week. Granted, it’s been an eventful week, but every Trump week is the equivalent of a human decade.
Keith Olbermann documents the promises and the ways in which Trump destroyed them.Those who believed Trump when he said;“The time for  time for small thinking is over, the time for trivial fights is behind us,” must have spit out their morning coffee while reading his bitter ‘neener neener’ tweet regarding Arnold Schwarzenegger and reality show “The Apprentice,” only four days later.

At least  the pundits who raved that Trump had ‘become presidential’ will no longer be waiting for it to happen, or looking for signs that he’s ‘pivoted.’ These days they’re strangely silent, I hope they weren’t ‘waiting to exhale,’too.