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What Trump’s Presidency Means for Climate Change, Seth Meyers – video

What Trump's Presidency Means for Climate Change, Seth Meyers - video

. Seth Meyers takes a closer look at the effect Donald Trump’s gruesome cabinet picks might have on climate change. Presumably,  discussions on climate change should be focused on what can be done to stop the damage; but in our alternate universe, the very existence of climate change is under discussion! Although this is one of the hottest years in the recorded history of the earth, people can still see snow. There’s yer logic.

Just one of the big, greedy alligators Trump has introduced to the swamp is Scott Pruitt. Trumps choice to head the EPA is the former Attorney General of Oklahoma.  Pruitt’s pocketbook is inextricably tied to gas and oil interests. Critics cannot complain that Pruitt lacks interest in energy.  A great fan of fracking, Pruitt blithely ignores the teeth-shattering earthquakes in his own state, which have increased from two, to 889 in one year!

Fighting climate change is a monumental challenge. However, in a world where factual information and intentional  misinformation are  judged equally, and willful ignorance prevails – it may be a Herculean task to take on climate change.

The odd photo, can be explained by Trump’s love of birds, and hatred of wind turbines. The bloody killing machines – according to Trump, are slaughtering bald eagles and should be outlawed! That said, it is only fair and just that the world remain on fossil fuels, because wind machines in particular ruin the view from Trump’s Scottish golf course. Me, Me, Me, Me Meeeeeeeeeeee and MINE!   A man for the people.

The following headline from Breitbart illustrates both challenges:
“Global Temperatures Plunge, Icy Silence from Climate Alarmists.”
They certainly told US…But not in time for us to respond, which they interpret as ‘icy silence.’

Bernie Sanders was sufficiently thawed to tweet back:
” Where’d you get your PhD? Trump University?”