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Trump’s South Carolina Win – Seth Meyers Asks Who Will Stop the Trumperoid?

Trump's South Carolina Win - Seth Meyers Asks Who Will Stop the Trumperoid?

Donald Trump  won a decisive victory in the South Carolina Primary, following a week in which he repeatedly changed his positions on some of the core beliefs of the conservative movement – raising the question, do GOP voters even care what – if any positions Trump holds?

It doesn’t matter to Trump supporters when he is caught out changing his position 180 degrees on important issues, something which is becoming a weekly if not daily happening.  Besides, Trump supporters couldn’t care less about the kind of issues that give the GOP establishment the heebie jeebies.  If Trump is a tiresome annoyance to us, he is a gigantic Excedrin headache (to keep the pain near the head) to the Republican party.

See why Seth likens Trump to an asteroid.  Instead of destroying the Eastern Seaboard, the Trumperoid is heading straight toward the heart of the Republican Party! We bid a $150 Million dollar farewell to the last astronaut whose job it was to divert the Trumperoid. Now there are two. Can Ted Cruz and Marco Rubio truly be up to the challenge of stopping Trump now?    If not, can we induce them to step into the space capsule and blast off anyway?   Fortunately Seth Meyers has a lot more answers than I, so grab a cop of schadenfreude and join him.