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Uncivil Facebook Wars video

facebook warsFacebook Wars tear apart families and friends. For the most part because stupid right-wing a wholes can’t put a lid on it.

Come on.  This is a glass way more than half full. After all, every time you read some moron screaming about impeachment or needing 100 clips, or African Americans buying lobster with food stamps or BENGHAZI you know damn well you are not only more right about things than you thought you were, but  you feel IQ soaring up 30 or 40 points.  It’s like watching Jerry Springer or Honey Boo Boo on TV.

Oops. That is a faulty class cliché.  I have watched Honey Boo Boo and found it to be about a kind, nice happy family being kind and nice to each other and those around them. I take it back. Honey Boo Boo is just all right with me.