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Unzip Romney’s Pants, The Liar Liar’s Mom Jeans are on fire!

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Team Obama won’t be dragging out long involved campaign ads against Mitt Romney. Instead, they are using a mini-series approach. Refuting Romney is as simple as showing a preposterous lie – otherwise known as a campaign ad, by the Mittster, and – by the miracle of video wizardry replaying President Obama’s actual statement. It’s easy and it’s fast – and it shows Romney to be a pathological liar, as well as a technical Luddite.

Back in the days when newspapers were the only news source, with the exception of radio, Mitt might have made this method fly. Romney seems to have trouble remembering that an actual image (like a talkie, Mitt ) exists of what Obama actually said, and what he wore when he said it. Obama not only can refute Mitt in seconds, but also drive home any ideas which have been lost and edited in the Fox ‘News’ shuffle. It’s a win/win for Obama. I suppose Mitt can console himself by riding his car elevators for diversion. I know I would, and maybe also charge the neighborhood kids – er PAC a dollar for a turn.