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US Customs to arrest Illegals fleeing Hurricanes

Our anti-immigration fervor has moved our new home grown federal police force ICE, closer to the old German Gestapo. US Customs has proudly let it be known that those fleeing diasaters such as hurricanes will be stopped, searched and if they don’t have proper papers be arrested and deported. A death sentence for many Hispanic families. Also keep in mind that Hispanic LOOKING people who forgot their papers, or lost them in the storm will be dragged from their family and put in prisons.

Down here in Dumbutt we have what we call The Valley, This is an area larger than most states bordering on Mexico with very high Hispanic populations. Like any Hispanic community, most of these families have at least one family member or good friend who is undocumented. It could be the father, the child, the bother, the wife, the Aunt, Grandma, or just cousin Jesus who lives in the garage. How many will take the chance of getting on a bus or into a van to escape a deadly storm to lose a family member from deportation. The end of that person’s life as they know it?

On a daily basis down here in Dumbutt we read in our papers or watch on local television our new federal police force, ICE, crashing into homes and businesses dragging hard working people out of buildings and tossing them into the backs of police wagons. Stealing mothers from children, children from fathers and leaving small business without a labor force and into the red. And believe it or not, the loss of business, sales taxes, rent and so on is becoming worse than the services drag this is suppose to be about. This is just proof in the pudding that this is really about racism, bigotry and intolerance. ADAF