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Values Voter Summit with Sarah Palin, Stephen Colbert

“They will cry racism to end the debate, well don’t retreat, reload with the truth, which I know is an endangered species at 1400 Pennsylvania Avenue.” Sarah Palin at the Values Voter Summit

Values Voter Summit with Sarah Palin, Stephen ColbertI do like how Sarah Palin seems to always manage to get some reference to guns, shooting or killing something into most everything she says. After all, like everyone attending the Values Voter Summit, she is above all else a Christian. Gun barrel VALUES.

The truth? You can’t handle the truth Sister Sarah. The larger question is how do you want your truth? You want it like the FOX NEWS / TALK RADIO truth? Or the unsaid truth that is the central driving force of Republican ideology?

Sarah Palin’s Fox News Truth on race – The only racists around are Al Sharpton, Eric Holder and the man living at 1600 Ohio Avenue. In Alaska we have don’t have a “race” problem, we only have one African American but she recently quit her job to smoke pot on TV. No one likes a quitter.

Sarah Palin’s real truth on race – Whenever anyone brings up race, which are most always black, turn the tables and attack them for being racist by using the “race card”.  Stupid white people accept that without a thought.  But the central truth than drives American politics no matter the stupid is.

“I don’t want my hard earned tax money going to those lazy bums who live downtown. In fact I don’t even want to help pay for their children’s education or health care.”