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Veterans annual Rolling Thunder Ride in D.C. co opted by Palin

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Yes, as Chris Matthews suggests, when 400,000 bikes roar into Washington D.C. for the annual Memorial Day event ‘Rolling Thunder’ it will be loud – and impressive with 400,000 bikes expected! However, Matthews may be wrong when he suggests that Sarah Palin can divert this crowd with her anti-government agenda of hate and vitriol. These veterans have been holding the event since 1988, to pay tribute to fallen heroes.

Far from rabble or rebels without a cause; year-round they promote legislation to increase veteran benefits. As always, they seek to resolve POW/MIA issues, and provide financial support, food, clothing, and other essentials to veterans, their families, groups, and women’s crisis centers.

As Chris Matthews suspects, Sarah Palin feels that the roar of ‘outlaw’ bikes is the perfect background for one of her anti-government anger rallies, she just may have under-estimated these people.