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Video: Alaska Extremist Republcian Joe Miller on Fox News Sunday

This is a long talking head interview but please try to sit through it. For above and beyond how well Joe Miller chose his shirt to match the background sky – and how after just a minute or two you realize this guy could not get away with what he is saying outside – what he says is the the very essence of all this Tea Party Looneytarian Jesus free crap. The man is laughably over the edge.  

Joe Miller is THE EXAMPLE of the Right-wing Libertarian GOP whose primary allegiance is not to the nation or the constitution, but only to his back pocket. Miller is no Sarah Palin or Christine O’Donnell whose primary allegiance is not to the nation or the constitution  either, but to Jesus.

Miller is a graduate of West Point, a military man who has a law degree from Yale, who was a judge and has the Libertarian Philosophy down pat, and dress right dressed. He is a living CATO Institute position paper. The living platform for the Libertarian Party. An articulate Rand Paul who is smart enough to stay away from dissing civil rights and masturbation in public.

This is an important video because it’s ALL THERE. The hard core IN YOUR FACE Right-wing Libertarian twaddle! It’s not just the federal government (the UNITED States) that is evil, but specifically; unemployment insurance, Medicare, Medicaid, Social Security, public education, ALL federal regulations, laws, rules and most importantly above all, the federal government’s right to tax you. The very PURPOSE of the government (the UNITED Sates) is to destroy all that is good in the world in favor all that is evil, the government (the UNITED States) is in business to make you unemployed, take your house away, steal your property, destroy your family and your kill you. It’s black helicopters on crank.

Can’t anyone hear it? How short is our collective memory?
States Rights today! States Rights tomorrow! States Rights forever!
Doesn’t ring a bell?