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video: Bachmanns Conservatives rally in Washington. Frightening threats and ignorance abounds.

Do you have a desire to ride buses with 4,000 predominantly white, unread,ignorant countrymen and women? If not, you may find that more frightening still…were the congressmen and women who met the group, displaying less Civics knowledge than the average eighth grader, but willing to urge the group onward toward violence – and away from the facts regarding their protest of health care reform.

If you have a sense of humor, hold tightly onto it. If not, Bachmann’s enormously overestimated group will scare the bejeebers out of you. Carrying signs and slogans given to them online, since no one truly knows anything about the
Democratic health care reform, including their representatives. They carried enlarged photos of Dachau…the sure and certain result, they say of the Democratic ‘Socialist’ health care reform. I timidly submit that was not what Hitler had in mind, but any boogeyman is a good one with this group. If it weren’t so pitiful and believed by the estimated 4,000, described as ‘tens of thousands” by their own, Boehner’s speech touting the Constitution, and reading from another document entirely would have been a comedic moment.

“We the people are thinking!” Perhaps one of the biggest lies told today, by Rep. Brown..a doctor, who went on to rally the crowd further to stop the steam-roller of socialism! It’s fairly obvious that they intend to do so by any means other
than pointing out that their option leaves out millions of people, and costs more money. Healthy dispute is good for a country, but when do Bachmann and pals step over the line? Eugene Robinson joins the discussion. When do harassment and threats of violence leave the arena of free speech and enter into treasonous territory? See Worst, and decide!