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Video: Bill Donohue, Papists panties unbunched over Lady Gagas JUDAS, seen here

Those familiar with Bill Donohue and the Catholic League will be comforted to know that previous to the release of Gaga’s "Judas," Donohue, as is his custom, damed the video to hell without having seen it. He had commented that Lady Gaga in the upcoming role of Mary Magdalene is " a stunt." "People have real talent, then there’s Lady Gaga." Other commentary was reserved for the scarlet woman falling in love with a "black Jesus figure."  That – was the end of any judgment of artistic critique of Lady Gaga’s latest effort, stay away or you too shall burn in eternal damnation!

It is astonishing to read that after viewing the video Donohue did a complete turn-around. Apparently, the world is scheduled to end sometime soon. Lady Gaga may not be as comforted to hear of his latest commentary on the video, how far over the edge does a girl have to go?

After changing his method of blind condemnation without reading or viewing his targets, and actually watching a video he is critiquing, Donohue wrote in part:"In her ‘Judas’ video, Lady Gaga plays fast and loose with Catholic iconography, and generates several untoward statements, but she typically dances on the line without going over it. Perhaps that is because the video is a mess. Incoherent, it leaves the viewer more perplexed than moved. The faux-baptismal scene is a curious inclusion, as is her apparent fondness for the Jesus character. But if anyone thinks the Catholic League is going to go ballistic over Lady Gaga’s latest contribution, they haven’t a clue about what really constitutes anti-Catholicism." I think he’s going soft, and could well end up writing for "The Village Voice."