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Pew study of American political divisions and Oral Roberts

The Pew research center updated their findings and criteria defining American political divisions. It now consists of 8 sub groups:

Staunch Conservatives: Extremely partisan Republicans, these voters pay close attention to politics, are strong supporters of the tea party movement and even stronger opponents of the president.

Main Street Republicans: In contrast to the Staunch Conservatives, these Republicans are more skeptical of business and more supportive of government regulation of the environment.

Libertarians: Republican leaning; they are conservative on fiscal issues and very critical of government.

Disaffecteds: They see government as wasteful and are skeptical that regulation does much good. Four in 10 did not vote in 2010.

Post-Moderns: This is another group not tied to either party. These voters were strong supporters of Obama in 2008 but turned out in lower numbers in 2010.

New Coalition Democrats: One of three Democratic groups, the New Coalition Democrats are the only group with a majority who are minorities.

Hard-Pressed Democrats: Majority white and about one-third African-American, most live in the South or Midwest. About six in 10 are female, the largest percentage of any group.

Solid Liberals: They are highly engaged and hold strong liberal views virtually across the full range of issues. Half hold college degrees and a quarter hold post-graduate degrees.

The above comes from the Washington Post, but when we use the numbers from the actual Pew Poll it looks fairly good for Democrats. American political divisions.

But we have THE problem with the last sentence above. Knowing that batcrap crazy Michele Bachmann (one of the top GOP choices for President), and recently finding that David Barton (the top evangelical Christian revisionist in America) both got their college degrees from Oral Roberts University. To keep in step we must move secondary education to middle America Tulsa to make all college graduates more reflective of the "intelligent designed" voting public.

BTW, if you were wondering how tall Jesus is, Oral Roberts University did the leg work on that and found Jesus is 900 feet tall. We need more of this kind of University book learning to more effectively compete with Somalia and Haiti.

"I felt an overwhelming holy presence all around me. When I opened my eyes, there He stood…some 900 feet tall, looking at me; His eyes…Oh! His eyes! He stood a full 300 feet taller than the 600 foot tall City of Faith.
There I was face to face with Jesus Christ, the Son of the Living God.
I have only seen Jesus once before, but here I was face to face with the King of Kings. He stared at me without saying a word; Oh! I will never forget those eyes! And then he reached down, put His hands under the City of Faith, lifted it, and said to me, ‘See how easy it is for me to lift it!"

So there you have it!