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VIDEO, Chris Matthews, Right wing wacko Michele Bachmann predicted socialist takeover by Obama

If by socialist, Bachmann means the Democratic process has produced something for the good of the country, and as historic as the Civil Rights act, she’s right. Then again, Newt Gingrich spouted last week that the Civil Rights act was a "damaging" action by Democrats. This leads me to assume that anything done for the good of all, and not just for the Republican "haves" is to be fiercely avoided by government.

We have two lunatic fringe Republican/Teaparty femmes tonight who feel they are prophetic. The thought that their limited accusations are both ridiculous and repetitive doesn’t cross the minds of irresponsible panderers like Michele Bachmann. In fact, the entire Republican/Teabagger amalgamation can’t speak without spouting the words "socialism", "communism, or "government takeover." You bet it’s a government takeover-by Democracy." I said I had very serious concerns that Barack Obama had anti-American views, and now I look like Nostradamus." You know, with the right beard there may be a resemblance.