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VIDEO: Daily Show John Oliver Goes to RNC working mans convention in Hawaii

Do Republicans just flat out refuse to see their own hypocrisy or are they genetically unable to see it? Could it be the fault of a more than obvious lack of a POV (point of view) gene? Is it biology that dictates Republicans are not able to put themselves in another’s shoes? To see the world or themselves as others see them? Is conservatism genetic?

I have long contended that this issue of "elitism" has been the driving force in American politics for a generation, which is most often articulated to matters of political correctness.

You can see it on FOX NEWS, you can hear it on Talk Radio, you can watch it in the Well of Congress, you cannot miss it in the signs and slogans of the Tea Baggers and you can read it here in comments to any Joe Horn article.

American politics is driven by an intense visceral slobbering hatred of Liberals. I listened to Glenn Beck on the radio the other day and noticed the word seems to have now been officially changed to "Progressives" rather than "Liberals". Nothing is worse that progressives; including Nazis, communists or even Muslim terrorists. PROGRESS is not in the constitutional! Progress is atheistic, communistic and intrinsically evil and will cause genocide.

What drives such swill you may ask? Not the Beck but the millions who believe him to be the smartest most articulate man in the World… Oops, fifth most admired man in the world say American polls! Chew on that!

I am telling you, it’s an overwhelming slobbering hatred of liberals "and or" progressives who the GOP – the real elitists living on that shinning mansion on the hill – who have learned to manage slogans far better than government. Idiots are sucker for slogans…

It is hard to walk away from bragging rights about being so much smarter, better educated and better looking we are than the Republican Base. 

In fact that "better looking" thing is probably the reason Sarah Palin and Scott Brown are so cherished by so many ignorant and ugly Republicans.