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Video: Ed Show Bachmann invites Nancy Pelosi to Tea party caucus

What a public relations coup this is for Michele Bachmann R-MN. A gracious Tea party hostess invites people of diverse backgrounds for a successful party and caucus, so why not Nancy Pelosi!  The trouble is that Bachmann is not a gracious anything, and the caucus is only diverse in the chosen signage they choose to carry. There’s no chance that House Speaker Nancy Pelosi is going to attend this debacle. Thus, spectator free, Bachmann is unimpeded in claiming that the Tea party isn’t a political party at all! Why, it’s almost an intellectual salon, with everyone welcome, and consisting of people of varying ideas expressing them in a civilized manner – as long as they’re dedicated to ousting Harry Reid. You recall, nice folks, much like Mark Williams, and others from his fraternal organizations of the white sheets.

Yes, that is the tripe that Bachmann’s peddling, as if we haven’t viewed a Tea party function or ten. The Obama signs and t-shirts alone are an indication that you’re not in tea and watercress sandwich territory. When racists take the stage, be they Birthers who’ve found a cozy nest within the (non) Tea party, or raving anti-Semites and all ’round racists, there’s no mistaking what the Tea party is about. For a non-party they
have fond dreams of putting Sarah Palin and/or Newt Gingrich in the White House…and furthermore, to keep it that way!