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Video: Ed Show, GOP refusal to help 9 11 responders, prompts House floor fury from Anthony Weiner

Today, the obstructionist "Party of No" experienced the wrath of a Democrat who has reached his limit, and I for one, cheered him on as if the T.V. had two-way capabilities. Rep. Andrew Weiner‘s fuse was lit during
debate over the Zadroga 9/11 Health and Compensation Act which would provide health care to those who have become gravely ill as a result of their efforts to rescue and clean up in the aftermath of 9 -11. In an
explosive speech, New York’s Anthony Weiner lambasted Republicans for placing partisanship game-playing over the content of the bill, and for their callous disregard for the people in need of their help.

Today’s events were merely the culmination of a week filled with Republicans indiscriminately playing
Whack-a-Bill with anything endorsed by the Democrats -or business as usual since January of 2009. In this week
alone, the Party of No blocked efforts to boost small business with a lending fund and a state credit initiative. Moving on, they nixed the campaign spending disclosure bill, and continue to oppose the proposed energy bill. If this is a typical week, it’s a wonder that it’s taken this long for someone to hold a mirror to the partisan poopers.