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Video Ed Show, Hypocrite immigrant baby Michelle Malkin, defends anti immigration bill

How soon they forget! Perhaps more typically, "I’ve got mine, the rules don’t apply to me and it sucks to be you" applies here. Michelle Malkin, the mouth of the malevolent right, appeared Wednesday night before the bright lights and rolling cameras on on the Fox News Hannity home shopping network..for those in the market for a no-think ’em, potentially dangerous world view. Malkin encourages the not-so-bright to ‘rise up and do what Arizona did, taking matters into their own hands!" Could this be more irresponsible, not to mention ill-informed? It seems that we’ve been here with Sarah Palin and other right-wing rabble rousers, who when criticized on their call to arms, at least had the insincere good grace to pretend that violence wasn’t
their intention.

I’ve now learned that Malkin’s vocal views on slamming the door to immigrants, including babies born here is
highly ironic as well. There’s no doubt of the racial group they’re targeting, but Ms Malkin was the American born child of two Philippine parents who had arrived in the United States earlier that year on an employer-sponsored visa. I believe that places her under the umbrella of the controversial 14th amendment. Can you say hypocrite? I thought you could.

Ed’s wacky talk involves the full court press of Fox News who would like nothing better than to pin the race card on President Obama. It’s been 20 long, fruitless months for them, and the shop-worn incident they’re peddling won’t succeed. Fox knows that if it’s quoted often enough, it’s bound to be believed by someone with a stuck remote control.