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Video: Glenn Beck, Fear and Loathing of African Americans

"President Obama is a guy who has a deep-seated hatred for white people
or the white culture. This guy is, I believe, a racist." Glenn Beck a
year ago today on a Fox News panel who nod along.

Boy this is really awful stuff. Hard to watch without wincing or vomiting. But give it a try. This brief 5 minute speech is a window into the soul of not only one mentally challenged talk show host, but all talk show hosts, of Fox News, of the Tea Baggers, of Andrew Breitbart and the Republican Party which has embraced them all as their leadership.

The fear mongering goes beyond the pale. Pictures of two members of the New Black Panther party (the entire membership which could fit in school bus),  Van Jones and an ACORN logo degenerates into an enemies of God and America list including presidents Grant, Wilson, FDR, Truman, and the Sixties that "stole our grandparents children! And our children’s inheritance!" Now there is some heavy duty Beckian NONE SENSE. It  ends with bread lines and the clincher. It was only 12 months ago that White people became the victims of Black people. All 5 of them… 

Our most powerful cable news network whose central mission is to generate as much hate and anger as they possible can at not only our bright articulate Black President, the NAACP, the entire Black community who are too lazy to find jobs, and most recently 10 million evil doer Hispanics picking our lettuce, cleaning our toilets and going to the hospital when their children aret run over by a truck. Republicans are now generating so much fear in America that we have thousands of American Hispanic CITIZENS taking flight from one region of our nation to another. All at the bequest of Fox News, our Founding Fathers and Jesus Christ. That Arizona just HAPPENS to be the only state that refused for 3 year to celebrate the national holiday MARTIN LUTHER KING DAY, has nothing to do with race. Or that the legislature passed laws to make sure gay couples could not get state benefits which had nothing to do with homophobia, or having Americans most infamous dirtball fascist Sheriff Joe Arpaio does not make the state any more right-wing that California.   

Perhaps it was Molly Ivins, rest her soul, who said best.

"I cannot say Rush Limbaugh is a racist, but racists sure do like Rush Limbuagh."    

Applied these days to Glenn Beck, Andrew Breitbart, Fox News, the Tea Party and now the entire Republican Party.