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VIDEO: Have a liberal coffee at Starbucks and openly display your balls, er guns

Starbucks would prefer not to be in the middle. They were first approached by one side, which includes the Brady Campaign to Prevent Gun Violence, and the Washington State Million Mom March. Organizers of the event hope to pressure Starbucks into adopting a no-guns policy in all its stores. On the other side is a large, organized group of gun owners who can’t be parted from their guns even to wear them legally concealed, and are making sure their openly carried firearms are seen as they belly up to the bar to order a banana Frappuccino with a cinnamon bun.Businesses are allowed to ban guns in their stores, those who have done so have created confrontations with gun owners.According to gun activists who were surprised by Starbuck’s final decision, "Starbucks is a special target because it’s from the hippie West Coast and a lot of dedicated consumers who pay $4 for coffee have expectations that Starbucks would ban
guns. After much pressure Starbucks didn’t take the bait, unlike many stores across the country who found themselves the target of gun owners, marching in front of their businesses with guns.