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Video: Jon Stewart interviews AS BAD AS IT GETS Ken Blackwell

Jon discusses the new book, THE BLUEPRINT, Obama’s Plan to Subvert the Constitution and Build an Imperial Presidency, with Family Research Center senior fellow author Ken Blackwell. Please understand as you watch this grievous grinning Uncle Tom that the swill he is pushing is on the back of Jesus Christ.

Over the years Blackwell has been involved in far right-wing Ohio politics – striking out at gays and no abortions for any reason, you know the drill. But lucky for all concerned –  though doing well in the Republican Base primaries he lost to a Democrat in the general election for governor.

As Ohio Secretary of State he is named in a long long list of lawsuits in trying to skirt election laws in favor of Republicans both in local and national elections. Jesus before Democracy! Isn’t that sedition?

Also he was only one pubic hair away from beating out Michael Steele as chairman of the RNC! Now there is some food for thought.

If you can stomach anymore of the only Black man in America who can make Tweedledee and Tweedledum of Civil Rights movement – Clarence Thomas and Ward Connerly – look good, here are the extended interviews

Extended Interview I

Extended Interview II

Extended Interview III