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Video: Jon Stewart, John McCain, Lou Dobbs and Arizona Hispanic Profiling Handbook

"Just tell me what to say and I will say it!" The new NON MAVERICK John McCain

Remember laughing at Bill Clinton for questioning what the definition of "is" is? Well here you have that same crap on steroids! It all depends upon what the definition of DETAIN is. What silly semantic crap.

But you know, if SB1070 does manage to go into affect this coming August, the first stop the police make asking for papers of a US CITIZEN  will probably be the end of it then and there anyway. So all this really is, is a way for Republicans to show their utter disdain for Hispanics.

Again, illegal aliens bring more INTO the economy of Arizona than they take away.

Again, not only is crime down, illegal immigrants have a lower rate of criminal activity than American citizens.

Again, illegal immigration is down.

Again, the jobs illegal immigrants take are not jobs white people want or will do, really.

Again, we blame the poorest people in our society for what the wealthiest in our society have caused.

Again, RULE OF LAW? Then to be fair, let’s have the DEA swarm into the University of Arizona (party school) and arrest about half the white students there for possession of pot. RULE OF LAW!

So what’s that leave! What’s that leave! What’s that leave!

Well Hispanics certainly know what that leaves! And so do I. I suppose it depends upon just how deep one’s lily white English Only poo poo goes.

Note: I met an all girls band from Norway on my vacation, Katzenjammer. I asked if everyone in Norway spoke such perfect English as they. Yes I was told. So rather than go the English Only route, let’s make Spanish mandatory in Public Schools so we can get on a communicative par with the rest of the world who speak multiple languages. Ah… But as W Bush would say… "It’s hard!" And if something is hard, then that leaves out most Americans…