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Video: Jon Stewart on Israel kicking America in the balls

Please don’t get me going on neocons! Our two most popular these days are "Little Billy" Kristol whose daddy bought him the Neocon Bible, The Weekly Standard and Obama hater extraordinaire "Lipless" Charlie Krauthammer. Every time I see either one of them I want to put them in a headlock and give them a knuckle rubbie until they shut up.

The influence of the neocons got us into both our present wars and are caused the death of more Americans than 911 and hundreds of thousands of Iraqis (who don’t count). These too yo-yos have replaced the old school of neocons who were in the Bush Administration making the calls: Paul Wolfowitz, Richard Perle, Douglas Feith, Scooter Libby, John Bolton, Eliot Abrams and not to forget "Joey the Jowls" Liebermann. All now disgraced by one thing or another. The
Youngsters of Zion, The Neocons

The single biggest reason for the jihad of terrorism is over one issue, building Israeli settlements on what was Palestine property prior to The 6 Day War. That is this issue and this kick in the nuts to Vice President Biden and knee in the balls to Muslims the world over could by the moment this country wakes up to the fact that Israel is egging it on… Of course there is also the thing that cannot be said in America, 99% of neocons are… are… Oops… Irish! And will all be drunk come Monday!