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Video: Jon Stewart Takes on the Texas Taliban School Board

Here again we have late night comedians taking on this Texas story gone national because the media is loath to make any negative comment upon religious beliefs. For as you can see in the video, these revelers of ignorance buy lots of Hostess products.

The Texas Board of Education is made up of 15 members, 10 Republicans (7 of which are Evangelical Creationists) and 5 Democrats who are all either Hispanic or Black. The votes are most always passed 10 to 5. It’s not only by party line, by religious dogma and Republican revisionism, but also very much about racism. Which the Creationist members proudly admit, though they like using the word "multiculturalism" rather than the "spics and N-words".  

This video is about as good as it gets in defining these nitwits as the hard core nitwits they are. Who are revising history to not just our Texas children, but children throughout much of the rest of America. THEY ARE REMOVING THOMAS JEFFERSON for christsake! And GIVING JEFFERSON DAVIS EQUAL TIME WITH ABE LINCOLN for christsake! They are in charge of education for christsake!

Neither are these people a bit shy about what they are doing. They are in charge! They proudly proclaim the winners right the history! And this is a war of rapture between invisible sky creatures and the sorry likes of Thomas Jefferson and Abe Lincoln. They are going to push their slop come Hell or high water. High water… They have daily conversations with invisible sky creatures who direct their every move and thought but will not accept any evidence that things are warming up enough to bring any high water into our future. This of course is – as you can see from this video because THEY ARE MORONS. A great article from the Washington Monthly with a recent interview with Dentist and Board leader Don McElroy: Revisionaries – How a group of Texas conservatives is rewriting your kids’ textbooks.