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Video: Jon Stewart, who is a bigger nutcake Haley Barbour or Michele Bachmann?

It may seem a long way from Mississippi Governor Haley Barbour’s confederate flag draped office to the suburban tundra of Frozennoggen, Minnesota but it human brains go bad from it being too hot or too cold. Oh Mama Bear where art though?

Here we have yet another issue that is not reported honestly. Bob Barton, Haley Barbour, Michele Bachmann, Sister Sarah Palin and the entire GOP are in the pocket of the arrogant deregulated oil industry. The very essence of the Republican Party is to  not only protect corporations from the people, put put them above the people. So says even the Supreme Court. It is what Republicans do, it is what they are, and because they are white and do it in the name of Jesus Christ and American Flag lapels, there are more than enough morons to follow them over the cliff.

Let me take this opportunity to charge Comedy Central along with most of the rest of the media in inventing issues such as going sailing, golfing, wind surfing, sex lives etc… Whether it’s George W Bush or Barack Obama, it’s BULLSHIT invented news by a 24/7 news cycle that makes taking a pee newsworthy.

And my personal peeve, the cable news cycle pushing out all the local horror stories as national news scaring the bejesus out of our womenfolk so much that they spend more on safety measures than food.

Crime is down, way down… INCLUDING illegal immigrants. Who also add more to economies than the take away. But no matter, ENRON, or the oil industry, or Wall Street, or Bankers, or union busters, or corporate boards moving jobs offshore, instead let’s put all the blame on those at the very bottom of our economic system doing the work we all know we all flat out refuse to do ourselves. What lies we live…