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Video: Louisiana sexual morals hypocrite Sen David Vitter challenged to Steel Cage Match

The Cajun Dome on Oct 16th, Be There! Be There! Be There!

Okay, be there if you enjoy that sort of thing, there is no guarantee that Louisiana Senator David Vitter will show for the gritty challenge thrown down by Independent incumbent Mike Spears. Spears, who has little funding or name recognition has decided that the best way to remedy both is by challenging Sen. Vitter to a three-round steel cage match. Vitter has not committed to the spectacle, where it’s promised that his face will be re-arranged in an unpleasant manner. This Cajun probably won’t be cagin’. After all David Vitter, the great advocate of The Sanctity For Marriage Act, and critic of Hillary Clinton for staying with Bill, is notorious for his escapades (in diapers) with prostitutes and sexual infidelity, apparently Vitter fancies himself to be a lover not a fighter.