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VIDEO Oddball :Boston, Filenes annual sale, brides stampede, save thousands, A 100 dollar bowl of ramen in Tokyo

If reality show developers were using their heads, they’d follow the dramatic stories which lead up to, then come to fruition in the Boston Filenes’ basement for three frantic hours each year, when brides-to-be vie for the gown of their dreams, for thousands of dollars off – with the stamina and finesse of roller derby queens. Heaven help the groom whose feet catch a chill!

What makes a bowl of Ramen worth $100 in Tokyo? Amazingly the purveyor has customers who seem to believe the "twenty five years of experience" is worth it. He’s lucky the thrifty brides from Filene’s aren’t popping in for a pick-me-up after the sale!They’re off! I’d take my chances at the Running of the Bulls first.