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VIDEO Olbermann Worst: Jed Babbin, Sen Scott Brown R, Mass, Hottie in Ky, Rush Limbaugh and Bill OReilly

The Gold is shared by Jed Babbin, editor of Human Events, and Sen. Scott Brown R – Mass Those wild and crazy conservatives know there’s nothing funnier than a tragedy, only hours old, like Thursday’s plane crash into an Austin IRS building. As Babbin demonstrated, it’s the
perfect topic for a light hearted moment of introduction and a few yuks. Brown wasted no time in identifying with the frustrated pilot, assured it would boost his campaign with the average, frustrated folk.Silver: Let’s just say "Unidentified home owner" from Kentucky who once had ice on his roof, and a sure fire idea of how to remove it. I’m certain his wife is reminding him at this moment that an ice covered roof is better than none at all. Pay heed you do-it-yourself types.

Bronze: Rush Limbaugh and Bill O’Reilly share this one, though we only see or hear Rush. Limbaugh seems to be doing a bit of role playing using O’Reilly to make a point about socialism. Perhaps he picked this up in therapy, I’m sure it’s a great technique, but not one he’s qualified to use on callers with the absent O’Reilly!