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Video Olbermann Worst: Glenn Beck, AZ gov Jan Brewer immigration, Kansas robber

Gold:Glenn Beck…just when you think he’s reached spittle flying meltdown, he tops himself yet again. Once more, using the attack now and deny later tactic, Beck manages to use every word associated with and including Hitler and Nazi Germany in another insane rant against President Obama. Beck’s loyal Teabaggers and plain nutters are busy checking for horns on the president’s head that the liberal conspiracy failed to photoshop out.

Silver AZ gov Jan Brewer: This is good! It’s fair to assume that Brewer had other expectations when economists were brought in to show the economic wonders to be wrought if only Arizona could ship off all of the undocumented workers. Let’s just say it was not at all what they’d envisioned, and Brewer’s in an interesting bind!

Bronze: An armed robbery suspect, identity unknown. Oddly, Topeka Kansas police should have no trouble locating him by the nice ride he’s in. Does this mean he’s a very successful thief?