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Video Olbermann Worst: Limbaughs hotline to God, Lou Dobbs for Prez, Tucker Carlson Teabagger

Golden Whiner: Rush Limbaugh who sayeth unto them, "The Icelandic eruption is God protesting health care reform." I cannot wait to see God’s reaction to lying hypocrites. Told that his initial facts were incorrect in reference to Massey Energy’s Upper Big Branch Mine disaster, new and inaccurate information emerged today, coupled with this bombastic warning. We’re told that "It’s been twenty one years, when you go up against me on a challenge of facts, you’re going to lose!" Maybe next time, hey Sluggo? Please note the umbrage is not over the refusal of Massey Energy to allow unions, but only that someone would dare – and correctly doubt his veracity.

Silver: Aw….it’s Crazy Uncle Lou Dobbs. Presumably he’s chased all people of Mexican descent home, could he now have presidential aspirations? Tsk Tsk, such snarkiness! His campaign seems to hinge greatly upon his ill will toward MSNBC, which is odd since he
describes them as ratings losers. He could be confused a bit, due to the cancellation of his program on CNN? I understand John McCain is open to suggestions,they could be snarky and cranky – no one gets near the red button!

Bronze: Tucker Carlson! Another face which has faded from view. He and his bow tie (I mean really!) parted with CNN, not his idea as I gather, but there was hope! His site "The Daily
Caller" was said to be somewhat on the fair and balanced side, much like Politico or Huffington. There are a few little glitches, such as his surprise guest line-up, with such notables as righty tighty Dick Armey of Freedomworks, and Grover Norquist, Tea Party Tax crackpot..but who isn’t in the land of cracked crockery. Personally, I look forward to
Tucker’s colorful persona to join the Tea Party rally circuit soon. After all, Victoria Jackson can’t hold down the talking points "entertainment" sessions herself forever!