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Video: Olbermann Worst naughty Sen Ensign, Snookie Palin Dr Beck on tour

Golden boy, Sen. John Ensign, R-Nev is an extremely naughty boy, and it is our fault – yes it is! He’d like a paddle on the bottom..that’s just an educated guess. You see, we have failed Ensign and other elected officials. While currently under an ethics investigation for an affair worthy of a soap opera, Ensign threatened business leaders in Reno "If you don’t hold us accountable, we’ll do some real bad things in Washington." You’ve been warned! According to Ensign, the Republican Senate is filled with libido driven toddlers re-living
their terrible twos.’ Oddly, Ensign was one of the loudest voices condemning President Clinton for his affair with Monica Lewinsky. I wonder if snaggle-toothed, no-nonsense Nanny McPhee is available?

Silver is appropriate for the Tammy Faye and Jim Baker of the Tea Party set who are taking their dynamic show on the road for forty pieces of it. Sarah Palin and Glenn Beck promise a 9/11 observance "So one could gather with patriots they will never forget." (I’m not exactly certain of how to interpret that sentence either.)

China: One lady’s fortune cookie may have read, Falling cat on the hat may mean fortune for you! The gravity-doomed cat was better off not reading his cookie.