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Video Olbermann Worst Person: Rudy Giuliani, Glenn Beck, David Freddoso black tea party

The Worst Persons in the World today include Gold winner Rudy Giuliani, whose outspoken view of a "left wing" dream-world with no nukes is nothing but a socialist dream. Giuliani shows an enormous gap in his knowledge of the ideology of right-wing patron saint Ronnie Reagan!

Silver foil hat wearer Glenn Beck is "Worst" by default. He demonstrates his true blue anti-socialist stance. While no one should back Mitt Romney, the dog abuser, good ol’ Glenn Beck saw the socialist writing on the wall with Romney’s mutterings of health care.
Bronze: Newbie David Freddoso, new to "Worst" will make a "don’t miss" comedy bit for Chris Rock as he informs us that indeed there are black Tea Party People! You simply don’t see them in the crowds of lawn-chair toting, black president hating, pasty white faces. Why the discrepancy ? According to Freddoso, "They’re in fear of being hated and attacked by liberals" that’s why! Recalling Rock’s tongue-in-cheek bit about blacks in horror movies being the first to beat a hasty and prudent escape from a haunted house, leaving the curious whites to explore and thus meeting a terrible fate, I can’t help but feel some of the teabaggers are scarier in real life than any horror movie. I await your insightful and humorous comment Chris…are you listening?