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Video Olbermann Worst: Sen John Knotts of raghead infamy, Glenn Beck, Gretchen Carlson

Gold: Sen. John Knotts R-SC . When you think you’ve heard the worst with his "raghead" remarks directed at both President Obama and gubernatorial candidate Nikki Haley, Knotts comes up with an international conspiracy! It’s positively dizzying, Knotts manages to drag ‘his’ God into the mess. By the way, are we at war with India, or one of those "foreign countries over there?"

Silver: Glenn Beck, speaking of dizzying! Beck has found a book written fifty years ago "From people who are doing what we’re doing now!" It is so exciting! While it’s nice that he’s found ‘his people’ they’re rabid anti-Semites, pro-Nazi, Hitler fans…..hey, isn’t that
what he calls everyone who prefers their tea in a cup?

Bronze: Gretchen Carlson, and the Fox and Friends clan. Gretch worked herself into a righteous huff, and wants everyone to know that Obama can’t spend the D-Day observance frittering it away in some den of iniquity unnoticed, not on her watch! Oops…. Just in….Carlson shares a fact-checker with Beck.