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Video Olbermann Worst: Sharron Angle, Michael Steele learns Bush job growth worst, Bill OReilly to grope Lady Gaga

Gold: Sharron Angle clarifies her stance on Social Security. It soon becomes apparent why Angle is running from reporters and only speaking to enthralled Teabagger bloggers. In this clip Sharron Angle attempts to differentiate between "privatizing" and "personalizing" Social Security and Medicare, all the while lying that she has no plans to gut the programs, only to protect them for you! What I discern is that if Angle’s program were to be implemented, you’d have the same chance to save for retirement and medical care if you bet all of your money on a roulette table in Reno or Las Vegas. At worst, it would boost someone else’s retirement in Angle’s state of Nevada.

Silver: Michael Steele didn’t get the memo to stay away from legitimate networks. Appearing on CNBC, Steele was greeted by the cold hard fact that Bush created the fewest jobs since – well, since they started keeping track of these things! According to the Wall Street Journal, in eight years Bush created fewer jobs than President Obama has in the short time he’s been in office – yes, every president has done better in a shorter time frame than the "Great War President"
did in eight long years!

Bronze: Bill O’Reilly: Bill Oh, I know Lady Gaga is simply swooning at your gallant invitation to join you on your show! It’s not every day that a family values Republican stands up for a "lady’s" right to seek publicity. Gaga’s latest stunt, showing up for games in little more than her knickers and groping herself in the Yankee locker room has Bill all atwitter, there’s even whiskey on offer, if she’ll just do a little grope on his Fox "News" show! What a lecherous and disgusting hypocrite. Mrs. O deserves a medal and a live-in psychiatrist named Bruno the Buff Body Builder and massage therapist, at her service.