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Video: Olbermann worst, Tom Shales and Marc Thiessen

This rabid hatred of Christiane Amanapour by Washington Post TV editor Tom Shales goes back to March when ABC announced Amanapour would be the new host to their Sunday talk show "This Week". Tom Shales Viciously Reviews Christiane Amanpour, ABC Responds.

The absurd reach Mr Shales leans into to vilify Amanapour in his recent original statement, his more recent defense of that statement and his March pronouncement – points to that thing we are not allowed to talk about. Which has everything to do with both our wars and the war thirsty neoconservatives who drive us into them. Not even Keith Olbermann on MSNBC can say it. 

We already have "don’t tell" gay Wikileak whistle blower Pvt. Bradley Manning in prison while a U.S. Congressman – Michigan Republican Mike Rogers – screams for his execution. Now we have Republican Marc Thiessen asking for the illegal arrest and rendition of Wikileaks founder Julian Assange. And the rest of the Republicans wanting to repeal the 14th amendment.

Who is Marc Thiessen? W. Bush boy who infamously defends the Iraq War, Rumsfeld, Scooter, rendition, water boarding, torture… You know, good Republican values. This video should make your skin crawl… 

Video: Jon Stewart makes a fool of Marc Thiessen