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video: Playgirl Feature Levi Johnston, reveals something HUGE…. about Sarah Palin

Shannyn Moore puts perspective into the news that
Levi revealed to the media today. He claims that he has something “huge” on Palin,something too big to reveal, that would get her in (more) trouble and hurt her, but it sounds as if he isn’t ready to spill unless she continues to denigrate him in public, which she was happy to do this very day, calling a press conference for that purpose. It appeard to be nothing more than the ‘adult’ version of
four-year-olds attempting to best one another by sticking out their tongues, yelling neener neener neener! For now, he reveals only the smaller things, such as the shock he felt when he repeatedly heard the unmotherly comments Palin is
alleged to have said, regarding her baby Trig, born with Down’s Syndrome. Shannyn Moore gives the story the lack of gravitas it deserves, but does anualyze what could happen if Palin wreaks political havoc with the old divide and conquer
routine within her own party once more.