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Video: Republican Tea Party mocks man with Parkinson’s Disease

So what’s new? Rush Limbaugh did the same to Michael J. Fox a few years back, but then as we all know, Rush Limbaugh’s character doesn’t quite reach Mr. Fox’s instep.

You can actually feel the ugliness emanating from these Republicans. The young man in the shirt and tie throwing the money in the face of this sad individual is bad enough, but the man holding the baby and laughing is disgusting. Gonna bring that kid up with good Christian American values!

This reminds me of years back when there was a short lived movement for volunteerism and community service. There was a national day set aside in the City of Brotherly Love to push the idea. It was attended by not only President Clinton and the First Lady, but George H and Barbara Bush, Colin Powell and so on. The Freepers (freerepublic.com) organized a protest and descended upon the area in their white shirts and red ties much the same as these Tea Baggers chanting "communism!", "Marxists!", "Socialists!" and so on. Ugly ugly people. Good to see PALIN shirts in the background as these Republicans harass a sick man and a black man. It is the nature of the Beast.