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Video: Sneering Wall Street execs guzzle champagne mock protestors.

Drunk with power and champagne Wall Street Fat Cats look down from on high at The 99% with sneers and giggles

Here is the unadulterated video of Wall Street suits toasting one another with champagne and laughing from balconies high above thousands of disenfranchised protestors! It’s safe to say that the like of this hasn’t been seen since ill-fated Marie Antoinette advised her countrymen to eat cake.

Today Fox and Friends as well as Glenn Beck painted a picture of the protestors as drug addicted scoff-laws. In Beck’s case they are preparing to tear you out of your beds and into the streets! Never has the right wing media machine been more obvious in their intentions.

This movement is much needed. Those who are in-the know say that the recession is much worse than the ‘Great Depression’ where programs were started to pull the average person out of the abyss. For more on this story, click here.