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Video: Stephen Colbert plays the Breitbart video editing game

Have you heard the news?  
The RNC, that is the Republican National Committee, is having a fund raiser in Hollywood of all places. And are giving Andrew Breitbart top billing! (Forbes is not alphabetical). Steele To Hold RNC Event — Co-Starring Andrew Breitbart

Andrew Breitbart is a fraud and a liar who brags that his life work is to destroy as many African American organizations and individuals any means possible. He destroyed ACORN with his edited videos and tried to destroy the NAACP with edited videos. Sadly it does not matter to Republicans that he is a liar and fraud.

Because there there is no video of Breitbart burning a cross, lynching African Americans or calling them the N-word, then it follows he cannot possible be racist.

If we have learned anything over this past week it is that it is African Americans who are the racists and the White majority their victims. In fact we got the video of it! A woman working for a private organization said… Are you ready for this? Hold on to your hat, put on your seat belt, check the air bag… That instead of giving a White person ALL the expertise of her bureaucratic knowledge, she instead referred the white person to a white lawyer for help! OMG! The Horror! MSNBC calls that kind of racism "MENANCING" while Newt Gingrich called it "VICIOUS".

I wonder what they call this?