You and I can watch this and say to ourselves, "Wow, that’s going a bit too far…"
And there lies one of the greatest conundrums in the political face of America. The Tea Party go this far all the time without believing it goes too far. Even when they do go too far – like screeching the N-word at black congressmen on the Capitol steps – they just deny it rather than discredit it.
The same permeates not only the Tea Party but Fox News, talk radio and the GOP itself. It is why Jon Stewart is so very wrong about saying we must play nice. Jon! Hello! The Right side never will, ever, ever climb above the negative emotional soundbites that always win the votes here in the United States of Duh.
Americans have lost their their jobs, their homes, college education for their kids while their wages and salaries go down as the wealthy dance on the cake. All of it because of Republican policy of ever more tax cuts and deregulation of all financial and economic entities. So the answer is to not only vote those very people back into control of both houses of Congress, but add a whole new group of even worse right-wing radicals who want to destroy every social program they can including Medicare and Social Security. They American people are ENTHUSIASTIC about handing the power back to the very people who caused them all their pain.
What can make people so stupid as to want it done to them all over again but harder? It is a combination of racism (social programs are for Negroes and people with funny sounding names) and our American brand of Capitalist Christianity. After all, if you can believe invisible talking sky creatures are real, you can more easily believe visible Republican billionaires who under their breath think their base is a bunch of ignorant hicks easily manipulated. Boy are the right about that hey?