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video: What’s more frightening than Sarah Palin for President… Glenn Beck for V P and Toddy for First Lady.

The Anti – Defamation League calls Glenn Beck “The most important mainstream media figure who has repeatedly helped to stoke the fires of anti government anger.” Not exactly a shining recommendation for anyone but Sarah Palin. Palin declares Glenn Beck to be the perfect companion for her presidential run in 2012! After all, “He’s a hoot!” says Alaska’s half term governor, and McCain campaign scourge Sarah Palin. What better position for the teary eyed trouble maker, than Vice President Beck? It’s been over a year since we had anyone in the White House who was “a hoot” without meaning to be.

Assuming President Obama doesn’t become fed up by 2012, the year Mayan calendars and other sooth-sayers say all manner of disasters will happen, it would seem that President Obama is safe in his current elected position. The only danger exists if by some chance he realizes he doesn’t need this stress, his days of gracious suffering of fools begin to dwindle, and the divided Republican party actually allows this pair to run, not having found a charismatic and crooked VP candidate who can tolerate Newtie. They may not have a choice, it depends
entirely upon which side grows larger, the “Tea-party” crowd, or the more traditional…(we party in private,for ,000 a plate), Republicans. As we can already see, Palin makes or recreates the story as she goes along. If she sees herself as a fool in retrospect, she merely changes the story to make others
responsible for making her look badly. We all know Katie Couric was a tiger lying in wait with a “gotcha” question when she asked “do you read, and what?” So too, with the foreign policy question. It’s as if her answer about seeing Putin “rear his head” existed only in Tina Fey’s monologue! More frightening, her fans viewed the entire thing, and seem to believe her revisions!

Why Beck? He..sniffle..sob, dabbing his eyes, owes it to her! After all, Palin convinced him that HE wasn’t a fringe nutjob, but the others were “out there,” making them the sane mainstream. So what if they disregard global warming,
cut out or privatize social security and medicare, remove the thinning barriers between church and state, convince their followers that FEMA which was inept in New Orleans, will set up detention camps for Obama dissenters? This is what it’s all about, America – where a millionaire High School graduate, with only radio and TV experience, which elsewhere would be viewed as a joke at best, has a chance to shadow box at socialism and communism because Sarah Palin says he’s a hoot. Though he has intentionally misinformed viewers in a successfull bid to raise ratings, he has helped to breed distrust and spread hate as a little side bonus, ain’t that a kick in the pants! More tears…”I’m just a guy…I’m sorry, I’m just a guy who cares so very an awful lot about my country.” Aw golly gee whiz, that – with a patented Palin wink, and I’ll be vomiting in the aisles!