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video Worst: Bill OReilly health reform confusion, Rep Sue Myrick David Gaubatz, Foxy Rupert Murdoch

In this edition, Bill O’Reilly needs new bifocals – or a passing interest in this health care thing-a-ma-jig, Rep. Sue Myrick sounds the rally cry to GO Bats, with one of the country’s leading Muslim hate purveyors, and Rupert Murdoch gets
caught in a lie..but it doesn’t matter as much when he owns all of the networks on which he will appear.

Gold, Bill O’Reilly: For those of you laboring under the delusion that FOX net-mouths – or for that matter, your representatives have fully read and understand the Health Care Reform package, this one’s for you. The polite
correction by Brit Hume should bring home the fact that while most have heard tell how many pages it is, they haven’t the slightest idea of what is actually in it, or in O’Reilly’s case, what the hell it’s called. He just knows that the public doesn’t want it! That too, was corrected. He will be speaking to the private option about the proposed public sector later this week..and if this makes sense, go to the first video pronto!

Silver, Rep Sue Myrick R – N Ca, : Having written the foreward for acclaimed Muslim hater, and well-named co-author of Muslim Mafia: Inside the Secret Underworld That’s Conspiring to Islamize America. Winner of the longest title this year! Bats, as I call him is also acclaimed for his views on book burning, finding the WMD’s himself, and a proposed clearing the US of those of the Muslim faith. Not so oldies or goodies are his calling President Obama a Muslim and a “self admitted crack head.” Myrick has teamed up with a gold-plated loser and liar. Appropriately her new campaign online is called “Wake up America!” Perhaps it’s time to do just that.

Bronze, Rupert Murdoch: Caught in a lie on one of his own stations in Australia. I can see why he would wish to disavow Glenn Beck, but tend to think he may not be aware of Beck’s activities or the FOX News preview clip which caught him unaware.