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Video Worst: Dr. Lauras N Word apology forgotten by later bigoted comments on black racists, whites hating blacks

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Gold: Screeching about moral superiority drew an enormous cult following for Schlessinger. Surprisingly that following was barely affected by the revelation and photographic evidence of Ms Morality living by the Newt Gingrich school of ‘do as I say, not as I do.’ Ah, but this week Schlessinger’s lame mea culpa for using the "N-Word" repeatedly to a caller could have put a clumsy period to the topic. Instead she later waded into much murkier waters for which she was unprepared. Lady Goody Two Shoes bumbled through what sounded like Limbaugh-approved terminology for causing a riot. Dr. S. spoke of the "Hypersensitivity bred by black racists and the demonetization of whites who hate blacks!" It’s well worth the listen here. If you hear a shrill voice coming from a vertical white bed sheet, it’s just Laura – who as always is involved in a few community endeavors.

Silver: Sharron Angle, when she’s not making a quick stop to solicit campaign funds, or sprinting away from approved and cooperative reporters, Angle has given us some crazy wacky ideas about her plans to privatize Social Security! Relax, it’s not as you imagine, she’d simply been looking for a good template for her plan. Just wait until you hear what she’s found straight out of Chile in 1981! Hey, how did that Pinochet thing work out anyway?

Bronze: Google street view captures but a few moments, and can be a delightful way to see the world, unless you’re a stalker, and you pretty much stay on one area. A little girl in the U.K. became an international sensation! Google just happened to catch her, at what her mum describes as a rare and quiet moment.